Thursday, 29 September 2016

New library system has arrived and we need volunteers!

We are so  excited that the new Junior Librarian System has arrived!  After three years of the PTFA building the library resource we are pleased to have purchased a computer based system that does so much!

An engaging technology that promotes literacy and reading. It helps promote reading by helping the children select books.  To set up the system we need to scan the ISDN barcodes on the books which will provide a catalogue of all of the books in the library that will enable to children to check out books that are logged.

The Junior Librarian is able to do so much more once we get it up and running including:

  • Create an engaging online library for pupils, staff and parents
  • Track reading progress and trends across the whole school
  • Provide an  integrated eBook library
  • Embed the library into the teaching of ITC and literacy
  • Engage with parents using the fantastic app
  • Provide an asset register for the books 
  • Provide recommendations for what to read next
  • Provide information about the authors
  • Read reviews written by other children
  • Children can write reviews about the books they are reading
  • Helps foster independence and children can scan and check out their books.
  • Plus so much more...
For more information visit

Can you help us organise the library?  If so get in contact by emailing
