Do you ever wish you could help the school but not have to do anything?
As a mum of two children at the school I can honestly say I have had this thought many times! Life is hectic and there always seems to be a million things to do. The PTFA always wish for a way we could raise money for the school without having to ask parents to bake or donating time and money.
We have found the perfect solution called Easy Fundraising ( It is a website that has got over 3,000 retailers to agree to donate to a charities and schools when people shop online. All you need to do is use the link which is listed as Friends of St John’s Primary School – Walham Green and can be found by clicking
It doesn't cost you a penny and they won't use your details for anything else. In fact if you sign up they send you special offers to save on your shopping, electrical bills, holidays and weekly food bill. There are nearly 3,000 retailers like Amazon, John Lewis, Argos, Asda, Sainsbury’s.
Still wondering how it works? Here is an example:
Let’s say you would like to buy a pair of shoes from John Lewis, instead of going to directly to the St John’s easyfundraising link above and type in John Lewis in the search box. (The code fostjohnswg is the code that identifies St John’s Primary). Alternatively you can download the easy donation reminder which provides a little reminder every time you shop online.
Make a Purchase: from John Lewis as normal the price is exactly the same but the retailer will know you have come via our link on easyfundraising.
Get a donation: After you make your purchase, John Lewis will donate a percentage of the total spend as a donation to the school with no extra cost to you.
What are you waiting for? Sign up today to raise money for St John’s – it is a great way to raise money for our school and you don't have to bake or leave your sofa!
Need more information? Email us at