We have raised nearly £55.00 on Easy Fundraising with only ten parents signed up - imagine how much we could raise if every parent at school signed up?!?
The PTFA has signed up to Easy Fundraising which provides commission when parents shop online, there are over 2,000 retailers to choose from. It is a great way to raise funds for the school without adding any extra workload to people's schedules and it doesn't cost a penny extra all you need to is register online - here is how it works:
- Click on the easy fundraising icon on our blog and sign up. It is free. You might also find it helpful to install the 'Find & Remind' button to your web browser - it highlights retailers which donate.
- Once you have registered, search for a retailer you would like to shop with, there are over 2,000 to choose from including ASDA, Ebay, Next, Tesco, Boden, Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis, ToysRUs, Easy2Name, Vision Express, Argos and many more.
- Then you click through to the retailer and shop as normal. Everything costs exactly the same. When you make a purchase the retailer will make a donation to your cause to say thank you for shopping with them. Best of all it costs you nothing! It will also alert you by email of your donation.
- You will need to select Friends of St John's as your cause - if you need the link it is: www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/friendsofstjohnsprimaryschool
- To keep things simple you will see we have added a new link on our blog page. The Easy Fundraising provides you special discounts too when you sign up.
Thank you so much for your support and happy shopping!